I’ve never meant this more when I say… TGIF! Let me tell you my 9-5 life has been absolutely crazy; first full quarter in my new job and I am very very happy it is over. With the stresses that…
Spring Break Style Guide
This time next week, my mom, sisters and I will be relaxing on a beach, sipping our tropical beverages with a heavy hand of SPF 50 applied. As a spring break getaway, we are heading down to Fort Lauderdale for…
Spring Fashion: What’s In My Very Colorful Cart
I don’t know about you, but I still have beef with Punxsutawney Phil for seeing his shadow earlier this month. Look, I’ll get over it, but that thing better watch its back. Now you may think to yourself, “Why is…
Winter Style Look Book
Howdy howdy howdy! On this fine, yet absolutely frigid day, I got to thinking-weall can come to the conclusion that I am a shopaholic, yes? Well let me tell you I told myself that I would cut back spending in…
Amazon Finds for Bedroom & Bathrooms
And in the blink of an eye… 2022 is here! I don’t know about you, but I’m always one who gets bummed out when the holidays are over and the whole hype with a new year never was that exciting…
2021 Gift Guide by Budget
Queue the Christmas music, decorations, and festivities because December is HERE! The most wonderful time of the year and its time to soak up this holiday season. I am almost done with all of my gift shopping this year *round…